ProgramMonday, 10 October
Registration (8h15 - 9h) Amphithéâtre St Priest - Batiment 2
Opening (9h - 9h30)
Invited Speaker: Stefan Kramer (9h30 - 10h30)
Coffee Break (10h30 - 11h)
Session 1: Regression and Limited Data - (11h - 12h15) - Chair Saso Dzeroski Model Optimization in Imbalanced Regression - F (pdf) Discovery of differential equations using probabilistic grammars - S (pdf) Hyperparameter Importance of Quantum Neural Networks Across Small Datasets - F (pdf) ImitAL: Training Active Learning by Imitation Learning on pure Synthetic Data - S (pdf)
Lunch Time (12h15 - 13h45)
BEST STUDENT PAPER PRESENTATION (13h45 - 14h15) : Leveraging spatio-temporal autocorrelation phenomena to improve the forecasting of the energy consumption in smart grids (pdf)
Session 2: Incremental/Continual Learning (14h15 - 16h) - Chair Michelangelo Ceci Predicting Potential Real-time Donations in YouTube Live Streaming Services via Continuous-time Dynamic Graph - F (pdf) Semi-supervised change point detection using active learning - F (pdf) Adaptive Neural Networks for Online Domain Incremental Continual Learning - F (pdf) Incremental Update of Locally Optimal Classification Rules - S (pdf) Policy Evaluation with Delayed, Aggregated Anonymous Feedback - S (pdf)
Coffee Break ( 16h - 16h30 )
Session 3: Spatial and temporal analysis - (16h30 - 17h50) - Chair Sabrina Gaito Spatial cross-validation for globally distributed data - F (pdf) Elastic Product Quantization for Time Series - F (pdf) Stress Detection from Wearable Sensor Data using Gramian Angular Fields and CNN - S (pdf) Multi-attribute Transformers for Sequence Prediction in Business Process Management - S (pdf)
Steering Committee Meeting - (17h50 - 18h50)
Welcome Reception - (18h00 - 20h30) S: Short paper = 15 minutes (with Q&A) F: Full paper = 20 minutes (with Q&A)
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Tuesday, 11 October
Invited Speaker: Luca Maria Aiello (9h - 10h) Coffee Break (10h - 10h30) Session 4: Social Media Analysis (10h30 - 12h10) - Chair Andrea Tagarelli Data-Driven Prediction of Athletes' Performance based on their Social Media Presence - F (pdf) Link prediction with text in online social networks: the role of textual content on high-resolution temporal data - F (pdf) Weakly supervised Named Entity Recognition for Carbon Storage using Deep Neural Networks - F (pdf) Predicting User Dropouts from their Online Learning Behavior - S (pdf) Efficient Multivariate Data Fusion for Misinformation Detection During High Impact Events - F (pdf)
Lunch Time (12h10 - 13h45)
Session 5: Fairness and Outlier detection (13h45 - 15h25) - Chair Riccardo Guidotti MQ-OFL: Multi-Sensitive Queue-based Online Fair Learning - F (pdf) Multi-fairness under class-imbalance - F (pdf) When Correlation Clustering Meets Fairness Constraints - F (pdf) Cooperative Deep Unsupervised Anomaly Detection - S (pdf) On the ranking of variable length discords through a hybrid outlier detection approach - F (pdf)
Coffee Break (15h25 - 15h55)
Session 6: Text, Ontologies and Cross-modal learning ( 15h55 - 17h15 ) - Chair Cheick Tidiane Ba TextMatcher: Cross-Attentional Neural Network to Compare Image and Text - F (pdf) Can Cross-domain Term Extraction Benefit from Cross-lingual Transfer? - F (pdf) Retrieval-efficiency trade-off of Unsupervised Keyword Extraction - F (pdf) A Fuzzy OWL Ontologies Embedding for Complex Ontology Alignments - S (pdf)
Community Meeting (17h15 - 18h15)
Trip + Gala Dinner (18h30 - 23h)
S: Short paper = 15 minutes (with Q&A) F: Full paper = 20 minutes (with Q&A)
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Wednesday, 12 October
Invited Speaker: Leman Akoglu (9h - 10h)
Coffee Break (10h - 10h30)
Session 7: Optimization and Network analysis ( 10h30 - 12h30 ) - Chair Cassio Fraga Dantas Optimal Decoding of Hidden Markov Models With Consistency Constraints - S (pdf) Semi-parametric approach to random forests for high-dimensional Bayesian optimisation - S (pdf) A Clustering-inspired Quality Measure for Exceptional Preferences Mining - Design Choices and Consequences - F (pdf) Recurrent segmentation meets block models in temporal networks - F (pdf) Community detection in edge-labeled graphs - F (pdf) A Fast Heuristic for Computing Geodesic Closures in Large Networks - F (pdf) Lunch Time (12h30 - 13h30) Session 8: Explainability and Interpretability ( 13h30 - 15h10 ) - Chair Diego Marcos JUICE: JUstIfied Counterfactual Explanations - F (pdf) Explaining Siamese Networks in Few-Shot Learning for Audio Data - F (pdf) Interpretable Latent Space to Enable Counterfactual Explanations - F (pdf) Shapley Chains: Extending Shapley values to Classifier Chains - F (pdf) Explaining Crash Predictions on Multivariate Time Series Data - S (pdf)
Closing ( 15h10 - 15h25 )
S: Short paper = 15 minutes (with Q&A) F: Full paper = 20 minutes (with Q&A) |
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